Friday, December 7, 2012

Lesson 175. Trust the road you walk on enough to walk down the middle of it.

There's something about being able to walk in the middle of the road at any given time without any form of fear. That's where I live.

Not that cars don't come by, they do. But I hear them, and I move. I am in no danger when I walk in the middle of my street, and that's something I treasure.

I took the dogs for a walk today, and they preferred the road to the grass, so they walked on down it. They too are attuned to the whoosh of a car approaching and sense it soon enough to seek safety, they trust the road they walk on and so do I.

Do you have a road like that? Do you trust where you are? Do you trust yourself to know when you need to move?

I think that's when we're most secure. When we know the road we are on, when we trust the ground beneath our feet enough to take risks but trust ourselves to know when the risk is simply too risky. Today I felt at peace, I trusted that my wee lane was a safe one. I trusted Missy and Perdita to listen to me and adjust to the conditions. Trust the road you walk on enough to walk down the middle of it.

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