Monday, April 23, 2012

Lesson 6. Things are never as bad as they seem. So dream, dream, dream.

We tend to over think our hurdles. We tend to build things up so much in our heads that of course we feel like we can't ever get past them. We create our own giants, pile up our own walls. I started back at University today and I thought it was the end of the world.

Turns out it wasn't. It was actually quite pleasant. I realise now how much time I wasted believing that it was going to be doomsday. It wasn't. The time I spent working up to how horrible it was going to be could've been spent dreaming, wishing, hoping. Why is it that we let our minds lean so much towards the negative side of life? We let our heads be ruled by disbelief, cynicism, criticism, fear. It's time to switch gears. Things are never as bad as they seem. So dream, dream, dream. 

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