Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lesson 143. Get over it, get into it.

Broken escalators freak me out. I don't like it when gaps between bricks are out of kilter. I'm OCD about sitting in the same seat at every class and at the dinner table. I can't say rude words or words that have anything to do with reproductive organs.

Oh, sidenote: Hi chum, how are you? Sorry it's been a week. I've been away in the land of due dates, headaches and awful awakenings (All of which I'm about to fill you in on because I've missed you.) Okay diversion done, back to rant about the absurdity of human functions.

I don't cope awfully well with all of the above. I'm ladylike in the worst of ways because I don't posses traits of gracefulness or often tact, so really just ladylike in the way that I enjoy tea cups and can't talk about anything too grotesque. 

I was thinking back to a time in my life I often visit when the present gets a little much. The time I spent in Kenya, Africa. I was faced with many situations where I just had to roll up my sleeves and muck in, I realised that maybe that's what I need to start doing more in general. 

Maybe you do too. Push back your perfect curls and get dirty (not a euphemism) Start learning how to let go of the things that matter less. Don't be afraid to get stuck into something, even if it does make you feel awkward. I'm aiming to get over the fact that someone might sit in my seat so that I can sit beside them and talk to them. I'm trying to get over my broken escalator fear because I really want to get into the supermarket. I'm going to learn how to cope with words that have to do with the reproductive organs because in March I'm going to witness the birth of a best friends beautiful baby boy.

Get over it, get into it. 

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