Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lesson 83. Hang out with some kids.

I spent a few hours frolicking with the sweetest under sixes ever this afternoon. The company of children is so refreshing. Everything was straightforward and simple, no hidden agendas, no backhand comments, nothing that wasn't fixable with a bandaid or a good room search with Mum. I'd like to get back to that.

I want to be less complex. I want to start seeing things as fixable. There's no reason we should lose our faith in happy endings. There's no possible justification for the way innocence is drained as we grow. Let's start believing in fairytales again, perhaps slightly unorthodox fairytales but ones with great happiness nonetheless. Let's start being honest the easy way, calling a spade a spade. If you need some perspective, hang out with some kids.

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